Citi Ramadhan Campaign #FestiFitri


In Indonesia, Ramadan is a season that always drives the increased of customer spending and this is the 3rd year for Citibank Indonesia to do Ramadan Dining Privileges.

Nielsen recorded that during Ramadan 2014 the growth in sales value of consumer goods (i.e. grocery, clothing, and dining) is increase by X%. Growth in consumer good sales during Ramadan came from all income levels, lower income groups increased their spending by 30 percent last year. Middle class households posted a 16 percent increase while upper income homes spent 13 percent more.



We would like to seize this opportunity by fulfilling customer’s needs during Ramadan with spend and get program and acquisition crowd puller program, at the same time we would like to increase our usage at selected partners by x% and sales productivity by 20% 



beyond satisfaction

makan adalah silaturahmi

Celebration - Makan menjadi momen puncak perayaan atas suatu pencapaian

Relation - Makan adalah sarana membangun kepercayaan

Communication - Makan adalah jembatan bahasa yang mudah dipahami

Reputation - Makan menunjukkan siapa dia 


Communication Approach

Citi card brings up festivity and sparky athmosphere in every Ramadan gathering.

Citi card become prefered credit card because of its benefit and make them proud and feels good whenever they using it.

Create curiousity to non-user thru in-store (merchant) digital activity, increasing their awareness about many benefits of Citi card and encourage them to get one.
